Reviews & Testimonials
Read what people are saying about Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio by following the links below. If you’ve read it yourself and have any feedback about the book (or its on-line resources), then do please get in touch!

“Many books have been published about mixing, but in all honesty I’d say Mixing Secrets is easily the most practical, complete and ultimately satisfying that I’ve read so far. […] Novices and grandmasters alike will find plenty of interest here… and everything is described in such as way as to make it easily transferable across any DAW platform or even to a traditional console-based mix environment […] Although the content is wonderfully disciplined and technically rigorous, the explanations are never intimidating to a beginner, yet remain stimulating to the more experienced reader. The icing on the cake, and liberally covered in cherries, is the dedicated web site, which provides a phenomenal resource of useful material and information. This is a definite must-read for everyone involved in music production at any level.” Read more…

“This 300+ page book aims to provide a comprehensive start-to-finish mixing how-to. That’s ambitious, but for the right reader, the book succeeds with flying colors. […] If you’ve never spent time working with seasoned engineers, or you haven’t been mixing for long, this book is gold. […] In the good old days, new engineers learned to mix by interning or assisting; that’s less and less the case these days. Think of this book as a textbook alternative to a year of assisting. If you’ve been figuring out everything yourself or piecing together your workflow based on Internet forum posts, this book may bump your work forward by months or years.” Read more…

“Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio is the most useful, up-to-date, and comprehensive book I’ve read on the labyrinthine subject of music mixing. Although the book focuses on obtaining professional and competitive mixes in small personal studios, the information applies to mixing in any space, from multi-million-dollar pro studios to makeshift home setups. […] Senior ‘makes real’ the ideas, concepts, and processes discussed by including quotes from a long list of successful engineer/producers who represent the pantheon of current music makers of our time. […] Many good examples of current and popular CDs are given throughout this book to ‘reference’ each step of the mixing process. Mixing Secrets For The Small Studio is a huge ‘must have’… I cannot recommend it more.” Read more…

“At more than 300 pages, it’s quite a read, but a highly recommended one. In fact the book is filled with so much great stuff, it’s a book that one can read again and again and that can be used as a handy manual during any mixing project. And though there’s plenty of information to soak up, Mike has made it very easy to navigate your way through the book and to find the relevant information you need quickly and easily. For example, after each chapter, Mike briefly sums up the main points discussed, which is very handy. Topics covered in the book are wide and varied and all relevant to the art of mixing. These cover everything from monitors, preparing the mix, effects and processing and track arranging and much more. One of my favorite sections in the book is on reverb plug-ins. Mike offers a practical method of auditioning the different types of reverb plug-ins to discover its own unique character, thus helping to make a better decision on what reverb is better suited to your own mixing project. There are more of these types of gems within the book’s pages, and these alone are worth the price of admission. I’ve read many books on the subject, but I have to say that none have come as close to providing real practical knowledge and real working examples as Mike’s book.”

“Mixing Secrets is a new favourite of mine. […] Written by Mike Senior who is part of the SOS Magazine team and has bucket loads of experience when it comes to mixing and audio production. This book is a testament of his knowledge and passion for teaching and educating people in all things audio. […] It’s a real easy read and only took me a few hours. […] ‘Part 1 – Hearing and Listening’ is absolutely mandatory reading for all levels of music production. I wish I had bought this book before buying my new nearfields… ouch! […] The chapters on buss compression and stereo enhancements are awesome and full of great tips and insights. The chapters on mixing with reverb and delays can really help give your tracks that professional edge and help gel your track together. […] Do yourself a favour and pick up this book.” Read more…

“This book is very well written and organized. Content presentation is no obstacle here. While most books on mixing are loath to discuss process (the last book I read stated: Mixing cannot be taught, it can only be learned), this book actually provides a semblance of a suggested, basic, mixing process sequence (gasp!), and provides the reasoning for doing things in the suggested order. That alone should make the book of some value to beginners who often feel like they’re running in the dark with scissors. Unlike other books on mixing that only deal in maddening generalities and CYA caveats, this book actually contains hands-on tips, tricks, and suggested settings to try, as well as tangible product recommendations. […] There is plenty of good, practical advice in here for those who have come to grips with the beginner basics and are interested in learning more. There is more hands-on advice here than in most books on mixing/producing music. […] If you’ve been recording and mixing music for a few years, and you’re looking to get better at it, this is a great resource that will become more useful the more you grow as a mixer/producer.”

“Fantastic book on audio mixing.”
“This is easily one of the best books on audio I have ever read. From the moment I began reading about monitor choices, I was hooked. This guy really knows his stuff and communicates it clearly and in no uncertain terms. […] I have several of the best-selling home recording books in my library, as well as some major professional standard texts on video/audio studio design and use (the Benson and Whittaker books). This is the first book I have read which really addresses these issues from a hardcore professional stance for the small studio. […] The author’s discussion of speaker choices and placement, room acoustics, listening methods, hearing care, and so on, are first rate, and geared to small studio budgets and use, which I think is especially needed, given the explosion of computer based recording these days. The book is worth it for this section alone. […] Most of the book deals with using computers/software for the entire recording and mixing process, but much of the material is still valid for those retro types like me who still use dedicated outboard gear. […] The discussions of EQ, compression, filtering, and other types of processing, as well as the recording process as a whole, are simply very, very good. You cannot go wrong in getting this book regardless of what and how you record. There is a tremendous amount of high-quality information and advice here, much of it gleaned from seasoned pros with decades of experience. It is solid, practical advice you can use without having to have a multi-million dollar studio. If this book does not improve your mixing capabilities and the quality of your work and experience in the process, then it is entirely your own fault. This is a great book. If you record and mix audio, get this book, period.” Read more…
“Outstanding… this book is dynamite.”
“I must say this book is dynamite. Everything is covered in a lot of detail. This is no mickey-mouse treatise on how to record in your dorm room. […] This is a highly recommended book if you are planning on recording anywhere, from the pro studio to your bedroom. All in all a great read.” Read more…
“The Bible for small recording studios.”
“If you’re going to build a small studio, then this book should be your bible. Yes, this book will teach you how to mix music, and if that’s what you do (or are planning to do) for a living then this is a book you must own. But before you can mix a tune, you need a studio, and unless you’re working for someone else, in their studio, then you need your own. This book will show you how to build one without breaking the bank, and it’ll show you how to do it right.” Read more…
“Best resource on mixing, hands down.”
“I’ve been mixing my own music for nearly 30 years now […] I’ve read so many books and manuals on recording, mixing, mastering, etc. I’ve subscribed to Sound On Sound, Tape Op, etc. for several years. I have been posting on Gearspace (music production forum) for a decade now… I feel like this one book could replace all that. Serious. […] I highly recommend this book to anyone who mixes professionally or casually.” Read more…
“The mixing education I’ve been searching for.”
“This is one of those rare breeds – a book that delivers on its promise. If you’ve tried to get your mixes sounding like the professionals’ (and, let’s face it, if you’re reading this, you have) but couldn’t pull it off – read this book! All mixing engineers have a process to mixing. It’s just, no one ever wrote about it. This is the answer to any aspiring mixing engineer who wished they could intern or work as an assistant engineer in a commercial studio. Thank you Mike Senior - for giving me the mixing education I’ve been searching for. I love this book.” Read more…
“Brilliant and creative.”
“What he has to offer is huge! And his writing is great fun to read. I so appreciate Senior’s amusing and picturesque way of expressing himself without being too glib. He starts right out telling the reader what concepts to review in order to best understand his advice, and where to find that information. He dives into advice on equipment, assuming the reader is without deep pockets and dealing with the inevitable low-end problems. He goes over compensations that might be needed on the raw tracks, then into balance, compression, equalization, sweetening with effects and so very much more. I can’t possibly relate how much information is in this book, nor how very thoroughly and thoughtfully the author presents it. […] Above all, Mike Senior’s approach to both his craft and what he imparts to his reader is totally Zen. This book is so beyond just ‘how to tweak this and that’; it shows that the author has both technical expertise and great creativity and can impart these enthusiasms in writing. I can’t imagine that there is anyone in the studio recording field who would not profit from reading this book.” Read more…
“The most practical book on mixing that you will ever buy.”
“Having read most of Mike Seniors Mix Rescue articles in Sound on Sound magazine, I kind of knew what to expect with this book – it is absolutely packed with top tips for audio probelm solving, getting the most from your environment and equipment, and general advice on various areas that all small studio owners will be familiar with. Its extremely well written, very approachable, and Mike has a way of putting across his point that has you thinking ‘Oh yeah, I never thought of that”. […] I think that this book, along with Bob Katz ‘Mastering Audio’ and David Miles Huber ‘Modern Recording Techniques’, is going to become a go-to book for students, semi-pros, and pros in the future. An excellent book!" Read more…
“Worth every penny. I have ‘Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools’ by Roey Izhaki as well as ‘The Mixing Engineer’s Handbook’, Second Edition. If you are mixing at home with a computer, Senior’s book is all you need. […] If you’re serious about mixing, buy ‘Mixing Secrets’.” Read more…
“I’ve read a lot of books on the subject, but none this good. […] This is not a ‘mixing tips’ book, per se – it’s something much better than that, a mixing strategy book. The book is also very methodical in its approach. The author walks you through the process from beginning to end, explaining what is important and what is less so. […] Mike Senior clearly takes the art and science of mixing seriously, and he encourages his readers to do the same. He doesn’t pull punches in telling us the scale of effort required. […] The book is straightforward in the sense that Mr. Senior seems to be free of faddish biases or particular hardware/software fetishes. He’s not selling anything other than better mixes. He is simply devoted to telling his readers what works. And, as an extra added bonus, he does so with humor. […] Here’s the bottom line: if much improved mixing is your aspiration, and if you’re serious about it, buy this book pronto.” Read more…
“THE home studio mixing book.”
“Mike Senior’s book, pretty much Talmudic in its completeness, has everything in one place, from from the basics of sound waves all the way through to the last few tweaks before printing the final mix to a stereo WAV file. Furthermore, there are a zillion references for further reading, both in the printed book itself, and in the on-line reference section (which has sound files, audio and video clips, and the like, in addition to fascinating links). And Mr. Senior presents all this information in a common-sense, low-key (at times humorous!), and completely non-dogmatic approach – always explaining alternative methods of attacking any given problem, and explaining why he might recommend one approach over another. As a result, the ’learning per page’ ratio seems much higher than other books of a similar vein I have read. […] Mr. Senior’s book is already helping me to get better by leaps and bounds faster than I was before. Highly recommended for the beginner to intermediate home studio mixer (though I suspect even ’experts’ will find more than a few tidbits to improve their mixes as well…)” Read more…
“One of the best project studio books ever!!!”
“What a great book. This is filled with some very good information on how the small (home) studio owner can get the best out of their, often, less than perfect situation. […] A clear, concise and often very humorous book. Well done that man!” Read more…
“A step-by-step guide to great mixes.”
“Thorough, well organized, and full of great tips. […] The section and method he suggests for referencing commercial mixes is worth the price of the book. Nothing will teach you faster than good referencing […] This isn’t a ‘quick-fix, get your mix done in an hour’ method, but it’s how professional mixers get the quality you hear on those releases. Mike has done home recordists and professionals alike a great service with this book. Buy it. Buy it now.” Read more…
“Amazing practical book, worth every penny!”
“I’m not even halfway through the book yet and I can already hear improvements to the sound quality of my studio and mixes. […] Throughout his book, Mike Senior gives a lot of ideas to experiment with, songs to listen to as well as useful tips. This is complemented by audio files and additional information on his website. Reading this book is therefore like sitting in a private course/workshop with Mike Senior! I therefore highly recommend it.” Read more…
“If I was going to sum up the book in one word, it would be this - Brilliant!”
“If I was going to sum up the book in one word, it would be this - Brilliant! […] The next question you ask is, how is his writing style? Is this a dry book that is hard to follow? The answer is no. […] Is there anything I did not like in the book? No not really. […] If you buy this book and Bob Katz ‘Mastering Audio’ 2nd edition, you pretty much have everything covered.” Read more…
“A must-buy.”
“Excellent reference book. […] I know my mixes have improved, even after 20+ years. I also know that this book refines my developing approach. Thanks to Mike Senior.” Read more…
“Senior’s book is easily the most comprehensive and thorough.”
“It’s extremely rare to come upon a book on audio mixing, or some aspect of audio production or processing, that’s this well thought out and engaging. […] Senior explains the vital (and all too frequently breezed past) WHY of each action, gives a logical context and a set of criteria that helps you make sense not only of the myriad tasks involved in mixing, but of the flood of information one finds on the internet. […] I’ve read most, if not all, of the major books on the topic of mixing – there aren’t, after all, that many – and while the better ones have many good things to offer and should not be missed, Senior’s book is easily the most comprehensive and thorough. The additional resources he provides on the web are a course of study in themselves, and seem obviously created and assembled, as was the book, with great care. […] This book helps you makes sense of what’s out there, and helps clarify what you already know. It’s a bit of a Rosetta stone, actually.” Read more…
“A MUST for the home studio owner”
“Mike immediately gives you the impression that he is not only good at what he does, but he seems to be able to do it with the most basic tools and he can write to boot. […] The book’s focus is to give a ‘foundation up’ approach to the recording process, and demystifies a lot of the things that I think trouble many home recordists today. […] I felt that there were many occasions where I felt like that fly on the wall, looking in on what a pro would do in a given scenario. To be specific, there is a section on multitracked/multimiked drums – here Mike gives you a sneak-peek of exactly what he would do to each track (about three pages worth), spending a lot of time showing you why the mute/solo and phase buttons are so critical to address before any processing such as compression or reverb enters the picture. I would have happily paid the price I did for the book for this insight alone! There is much much more that I can comment on. The book is jam packed with so many excellent quotes and references from big names in the biz -JJP, the Lord-Alge brothers, Alan Parsons, Phil Ramone, it goes on and on. All in all, I found it to be an easy read, and at times even quite funny. It has definitely changed my perspective on recording, and the proof is in the pudding….my mixes have improved dramatically as a result. It will stay by my side at my desk for many many years. THANK YOU MIKE!” Read more…
“An excellent book.”
“I highly recommend this book to anyone trying to learn mixing techniques or just review their work methods. It explains in detail, the use of EQ, reverb, compression (among others) and shows you different ways to get varied results using these techniques. It shows you how some of the pros are using these methods, most of all, with clear and concise examples. […] Great read!” Read more…
“A great long-term investment.”
“I’m a rank amateur when it comes to recording and I’m just beginning to build a home studio so I probably jumped into the deep end of the proverbial pool by picking up this book because there is far more information than I need right now. On the other hand, this is a book I can work with and grow with as I gain more experience and I can see myself using this book until the pages crumble into pieces from years of use. […] I would recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about small or home studio recording.” Read more…
“Extremely clear, helpful.”
" I’ve been mixing for about 10yrs. Our band is working on our 4th album and before the mixing stage I thought I’d take in this book for some inspiration. The clarity and practicality of Mike’s tips are surprising and refreshing. It just felt so much more systematic and ‘doable’ than so much of what I’ve read in the past. Very approachable. I also very much enjoyed going through Mike’s online supplemental resources. I made a couple of key changes in the way I approach a mixing project as a result of this book, and it’s making a noticeable difference in the quality of my mixes, and in my enjoyment of the craft. Thanks Mike!" Read more…
“Mixing Secrets Revealed! A+++++”
“A must read for anyone who wants to venture into the world of home recording and mixing or for anyone already on their journey that needs a helping hand and a better understanding of the tools at their disposal as well as their proper use. The opening section of this book is the worth the price of admission itself and is something I wish I would’ve read before investing into my own home studio gear. […] Beyond the core skills and tools mentioned above are insider tips and industry tricks of the trade to achieve certain sounds or styles as well as specific song and album references. […] This book is excellent as both a first read for beginners as well as a good reference manual or “continuing education” approach to the novice and experienced alike. I found the book straightforward and written in plain English as much as is possible when discussing some fairly complicated matters of acoustic science and technological subject matter. I found the end of chapter summaries of key points helpful and I would recommend this book to anyone who doesn’t consider themselves an expert on the subject matter.” Read more…
“Hands down the best instruction manual for the home studio engineer.”
“I have purchased a lot of books on mixing and tracking over the years, but this is hands down the best instruction manual for the home studio engineer. Combine the book with all the tools Mike gives you on his web site and it’s just a no brainer that if your serious about making the best commercial worthy tracks you can, you need to get the book. I have already recommended it to three friends of mine in the home studio business. Thanks Mike for sharing your knowledge and insight in such an easy to read yet very technical manual. Well done!” Read more…
“I didn’t know that!”
“Just about every page of this relatively (300 pages of text) modest tome demanded that I stop reading, go into my studio, and find out just what the heck this guy is talking about. (“So that’s what a gate’s for. I didn’t know that!”) And this is WAY before you get to the incredible – and usually unique – solutions detailed in every Mix Rescue on his Sound On Sound magazine page. (A massive archive that stands on its own, I might add.) […] The material presented here is informative, as well as informed by Mike’s not-so-dry British wit (my favorite: “Now, as everybody knows, the best processing for slap bass is that button labelled ‘Mute’”…). I have lived a long and happy life filled with sex, drugs, and rock and roll. But before I started reading Mike Senior’s book, it had never contained so many consecutive 4 a.m. bedtimes. Excuse me, I have to stop writing now. I have to check something in my studio….” Read more…
“Excellent book. Highly recommended.”
“For beginners and pros alike, this book contains just about everything you need to know to make your songs sound fantastic. I echo what the other reviews have said, so no need to repeat here. Buy this book.” Read more…
“Down-to-earth and realistic approach.”
“[Mike Senior] never fails to anticipate where his reader is at and is so often spot on in guiding him or her to a complete understanding of what is often difficult subject matter. These readers are most likely people like me, for whom some initial dabbling in home recording has turned into a full-blown obsession over the years, and who, like me, are sometimes stumped by a lack of technical training. Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio successfully addresses these gaps in knowledge and experience, and the author does this with clarity, and a level of detail, depth and organisation with which online forums, though valuable, cannot compete. […] I have found Mike Senior to be friendly, helpful, funny and communicative, both in his writing as well as his online presence – an excellent website containing recommended products, plugins and multitrack WAV files, all directly relevant to the text. He is open to constructive feedback and where possible takes time to answer questions. Additionally, the author’s down-to-earth and realistic approach will help you squeeze the most out of your budget, whatever it may be. There are a lot of `professional hobbyists’ out there, and I am sure that after reading this book they would have to agree that it is one of a handful of truly excellent resources out there.” Read more…
“This book is ’top drawer’ – a must have.”
“In reading only the first chapter, I re-thought my studio set up and was instantly rewarded with better sounding mixes! I was enlightened to a different way of thinking about how things work for me and against me, sound-wise, and how to take control of the best of it. This book is ’top drawer’ – a must have.” Read more…
“The Best Book For Small Studios”
“This book is great for anyone wanting to learn about the mix process. It’s pretty involved and quite technical, buy yet doable at the same time. You do need some discipline to get through it, but it’s worth every minute. I highly recommend “Mixing Secrets for the Small Studio” and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have! " Read more…
“The best mixing book I have read!!”
“I have been home recording for around 5 years and this is actually the best mixing book I have read. It has a lot of information on a lot of topics… and it gives you a step by step guide on mixing and a lot of techniques using online examples. A+++++++++” Read more…
“Incredible asset to mixing”
“I am a singer/songwriter and producer and this filled in all the gaps in mixing I needed. Coming from an analogue to a digital world this made the transition seamless. Great writing, helpful outline of how things work and what to watch for.” Read more…
“Straight to the point!”
“I’ve gotten a ton of incredibly practical and straightforward mixing tips from this book. I highly recommend it!!” Read more…
“Just buy it.”
“Don’t think about it – just buy it. If you thought other books were good or useful, you’re in for a nice surprise – this one’s better.” Read more…

432 pages, ISBN 978-1-13-855637-9, Hi-res cover image
Available from: