Production Critique

Receive personalised advice from me, Mike Senior, on all aspects of your work in progress, whether that’s feedback on a simple stereo audio mixdown file, or a more detailed critique of your production with reference to individual multitrack files. I normally provide feedback in writing (typically around 1500 words for a single mixdown file), but telephone/Zoom/Skype consultation (in conjunction with 24-bit WAV audio streaming) is also available if desired.

Delivering Files For Critique - Guidelines

If you’re providing a simple mixdown, ideally it should be provided in WAV or AIFF format at a minimum resolution of 16-bit/44.1kHz. However, if this is impractical then I can also work from high-quality MP3/AAC files if necessary. If you have used any mastering-style processing on the file, it would be helpful if you provided an unmastered version of the mix too.

If you’re supplying multitrack files as well, then these should be in WAV or AIFF format at a minimum resolution of 24-bit/44.1kHz. All the files should start at the same time so that they line up correctly when imported. Any combination of stereo and mono files is fine, as long as it’s clear what each track is (especially if any mono tracks are the two sides of a split stereo pair). The audio files should be free from digital clipping and any effects or processing. If there are any tracks where an effect is very much part of the character of the raw sound itself (such as an amp simulation on a guitar/bass part, or a resonant filter on a synth), you can provide a version of the track with this effect in place, but an unprocessed/DI track may also be useful too, so please also include that if you have it. If you’ve used any pitchcorrection processing, especially on lead vocals, then please supply separate files with/without if at all possible. If any parts are running live from external sound modules or virtual instruments, they’ll need to be bounced down to audio.

Whatever audio files you send, please accompany them with a text file which indicates any commercial releases which would be good benchmarks for the kind of sound you’re after. Mix sonics can vary a lot even between songs apparently in the same musical genre, so without any input from you it’s only possible to make an educated guess at the exact sound you’re aiming for. You can also request for my critique to focus on specific aspects of the production if you wish, otherwise the critique will cover all elements of the production, focusing on those facets I judge to be most important to your progress.


The pricing for production critique is £55 (plus 19% VAT) per hour. As a rough guide, a single stereo mixdown typically takes 2-3 hours to critique, including write-up. An additional 1-2 hours will usually need to be added to this if multitrack files have also been supplied.

Terms & Conditions

Any training work carried out by Cambridge-MT is performed as ‘work for hire’, and as such no claim is made on the music creator’s compositional or sound-recording copyrights. Although mixes and project/master files are backed up by Cambridge-MT as a matter of course, ultimate responsibility for archiving all aspects of any mix project lies with the trainee. Cambridge-MT encourages trainees to back up important files in at least two different digital formats. Cambridge-MT reserve the right to use up to 30 seconds of any material worked on by Cambridge-MT for demonstration and/or publicity purposes. Payments must be made in full within 14 days of delivery of the critique feedback.

Cambridge-MT reserve the right to terminate the session in the event of unacceptable conduct or attitude from any trainee. In such cases, no refund will be given. Any attempt to create unauthorised audio or video recordings of Cambridge-MT’s training sessions will be deemed unacceptable. In the event of any complaint, please contact Cambridge-MT directly in the first instance. These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim, dispute or difference which may arise out of them.